Free Speech: Dealing With Annoyance
It's not easy. But this is what it's like to be in the public sphere - in any form.
You will have to deal with annoying people. People who, no matter how nice you are to them, will never be nice to you. They make it a point to take a potshot at you, take a jab at your character - not because of anything else, but because they can.
And you take a deep breath. And you tell yourself to be patient with this retard. You tell yourself that if you can tolerate who make it a point to come to the doorstep of your blog, just to annoy you - then you can put up with anything in the world.
For how many people would put up with people who make it a point to come into your "home" in cyberspace and spit on you and your furniture?
You tell yourself that if you want society to grow from freedom of expression, then you will have to walk the talk - by listening to the reasoned right down to the blithering idiot, who just wants to verbally kick your head in. After all, you may learn something from everyone.
That you shouldn't censor him - but you should make your point clear and you should leave him to his point, out of respect, even if it not be mutual. That regardless of his motives against you - that you should give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there is no ill will - maybe they just lack manners.
But you know, deep inside, that everything has a limit. That there will come a breaking point when you will delete the entries, if it starts to annoy you. After all, it is your blog - you can do whatever you want with it.
But if you did that - would you be any better than people who muffle the rights of others to speak?
It brings back to mind what one of my law lecturers used to say: "It is your right to swing your hand, but your right stops the moment when your hand hits my nose".
The limits of free speech should be there when you start offending others, without good reason. When you feel that you have the right to say all that you want to say, without regard to HOW you say it and respect for others.
For certainly, if language and conduct be the conduit of reason - then reason must be the fence that keeps language and conduct, in its proper place. Surely there must be limits for people who have regard not, for the space and feelings of others. Surely, manners should be our guide in communicating with others.
For what use is the gift of intelligence, if we don't know how to respect the people around us?
Meanwhile, I'll be as patient as I can. But I'm only human - I have my limits. And let's hope he never reaches them.
You will have to deal with annoying people. People who, no matter how nice you are to them, will never be nice to you. They make it a point to take a potshot at you, take a jab at your character - not because of anything else, but because they can.
And you take a deep breath. And you tell yourself to be patient with this retard. You tell yourself that if you can tolerate who make it a point to come to the doorstep of your blog, just to annoy you - then you can put up with anything in the world.
For how many people would put up with people who make it a point to come into your "home" in cyberspace and spit on you and your furniture?
You tell yourself that if you want society to grow from freedom of expression, then you will have to walk the talk - by listening to the reasoned right down to the blithering idiot, who just wants to verbally kick your head in. After all, you may learn something from everyone.
That you shouldn't censor him - but you should make your point clear and you should leave him to his point, out of respect, even if it not be mutual. That regardless of his motives against you - that you should give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there is no ill will - maybe they just lack manners.
But you know, deep inside, that everything has a limit. That there will come a breaking point when you will delete the entries, if it starts to annoy you. After all, it is your blog - you can do whatever you want with it.
But if you did that - would you be any better than people who muffle the rights of others to speak?
It brings back to mind what one of my law lecturers used to say: "It is your right to swing your hand, but your right stops the moment when your hand hits my nose".
The limits of free speech should be there when you start offending others, without good reason. When you feel that you have the right to say all that you want to say, without regard to HOW you say it and respect for others.
For certainly, if language and conduct be the conduit of reason - then reason must be the fence that keeps language and conduct, in its proper place. Surely there must be limits for people who have regard not, for the space and feelings of others. Surely, manners should be our guide in communicating with others.
For what use is the gift of intelligence, if we don't know how to respect the people around us?
Meanwhile, I'll be as patient as I can. But I'm only human - I have my limits. And let's hope he never reaches them.
Blogger comment box can block IP address or not? Just block the fella la.
Blog kita adalah tempat untuk kita syok sendiri 110 peratus kan kan kan!
Speaking of syok sendiri, you should celebrate the fact that there are ppl who's jealous (envy can't be the right word) but STILL wanna read you.
Been there before and done that too.
Hey Stingray
I'm a girl and no, I don't think your previous statement was sexist.
Yes, a woman would be stupid not to use her beauty to good use. Tapi jangan lah count on beauty alone. Other factors matter too.. such as intelligence and good personality.
Anyway, here's to Taylor Hicks!! (I so love the song 'Do I Make You Proud'!!). Though I must say my Bucky looked sp yummilicious tadi kan? Sigh. I so miss watching him perform.
You take care ok? Go on rambling, dude! :p
Thanks. If and when the time comes, I will do the necessary, I guess.
Thanks for getting my point. :)
Yes, "Do I Make You Proud" is a good song - can't wait till it hits the karaoke centers. :) Nak try it out!
As for Bucky - udah le tuuu,...all cowboys are gay, after "Brokeback Mountain",...hehehehe,...
So, since you're NOT going to get an I-Pod - are you gonna take up the belanja makan offer? ;)
Taking the highroad, being the bigger person at all times, all that shizz is really taxing.
To me, being dimplomatic mostly means compromising your positon by giving up a chunk of you (eg your comfort zone, your sanity) just to accomodate the needs of others. After some time, it just gets to you. Makan dalam wooo. Kalau nak libas, libas je. Jgn tahan tahan. You're not giving that other person enough credit. You think that they can't handle you doing the very same thing that they're doing to you. I'm sure they can. :)
You have a good point.
Actually, it's not because I think the offender can't take it - it's more like I'm not used to "melibas" people whom I haven't met before.
It's just my nature, I guess.
Sorry, I had to delete your last comment, to protect this blog.
But if you'd like to reach me, mail me at Let's take the discussion offline.
Sorry, had to delete your entry again. Pass me your e-mail address or mobile number - I'll contact you.
I also gave you the wrong address yesterday. It's "". Do try again - I don't think it's likely to bounce.
Let's take the discussion private, please.
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