Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Friday, November 26, 2004

A Reason for Faith

Had an interesting discussion with Sunita today, on our long drive back from a meeting in Putrajaya.

She was relating to me the reason for her deciding to get to know her religion better - in this case, Christianity. There was a point in her life when she didn't stop partying and spent relatively little time being sober.

And then, suddenly, she turned her focus to religion. Being curious, I asked her why. Her words made me think. According to Sunita:

"Unlike most people, I don't expect God to be there to give me things that I ask for. A lot of people think that if they're religious, God will give them what they want - that it is the function of God, to give them what they want in this world.

And when God doesn't give them that what they wish for, they ask why they've been tested, when they have been such devout followers. They think that what they want may be best for them and that God would naturally agree with them and not know any better on what's best for them.

God, to me, is a submission to a Higher Power. When you pray, you ask him for the strength to cope and survive the challenges in life and the wisdom to make the right decisions. When you submit to a Higher Power, life becomes a lot easier to cope with - faith helps you overcome your struggles in understanding and accepting Life."

I'm at the crossroads myself right now, where Sunita was - I'm so drained at 30, that I feel the need to submit to a Higher Power. And to believe and to accept. The human capacity for surviving challenges, grief, unhappiness and disappointments is limited - unless you can tap on the reservoir of strength, that faith in God can give you.

I can feel myself getting closer to submission to Him - not because I have to, but because I want to. May God help light my path to becoming a better Muslim.


Blogger Najah said...

I went through a phase when I left my fate totally in His hands. I was surprised to find out how exhilirating (and unnerving) the whole experience was, to fully believe that every single facet of your life is beyond your control, and then to put care and attention into every effort despite knowing this fact of life.

I started working from scratch, having lost control, I started scouring for things I could control. Like my understanding of my faith and how it could help guide me through the uncertainty.

I discovered things about Him that I always knew but never 'felt'. Like how merciful He is. Knowing Him more gave me strength. Slowly, I began to see a path. Admittedly, I fall off it more than I stay on, but I hope to never lose sight of it ever again.

Islam is a way of life. It was unfortunate that I didn't see it sooner.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...

Good for you, Najah.:) Seems like you've found your way back and more. I'm trying to do the same. I've got a long "summer break" starting from 2005, when I intend to explore deepening my faith.

It is a way of life - in striving, falling, continuing and submitting. And the substance of faith is much sweeter than the ritualistic form that most ssubscribe to, I suspect.

8:53 PM  

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