Andai aku bisa merubah segalanya,
Rupaku, Pakaianku, Ucapku,
kepada yang lebih kacak dan anggun,
Jika aku menjadi lebih ceria, macho
dan menarik,
Kalau manja dan simpatiku
tidak dianggap lemah,
dan keras, nakal dan egois sikapku
bagai si jantan lazim,
Jika kau ku layan tanpa hormat
dan ku sayangi hanya separuh hati,
tanpa rasa kagum, syukur dan hairan,
Andai aku jadi pilihan pertama
orang tua dan rakan rapatmu;
Jika duniaku hanya diriku dan dirimu,
tanpaku kisah tentang
waris, bangsa dan tanahair,
dan kiblatku hanya berkisar
pada kebendaan, kedudukan dan kuasa
nan megahnya;
Jika aku lebih tua atau lebih muda,
Andai aku tidak begitu kompleks
atau lebih lemah,
Kiranya aku lebih liberal dan
arak dan rokok menjadi teman mainanku,
Kalau aku lebih dayus dan sanggup diduakan
atau menduakan;
Andai aku bisa menganuti semua ini,
cukup layakkah aku di matamu,
untuk disayangi?
9 Mei 2006
Rupaku, Pakaianku, Ucapku,
kepada yang lebih kacak dan anggun,
Jika aku menjadi lebih ceria, macho
dan menarik,
Kalau manja dan simpatiku
tidak dianggap lemah,
dan keras, nakal dan egois sikapku
bagai si jantan lazim,
Jika kau ku layan tanpa hormat
dan ku sayangi hanya separuh hati,
tanpa rasa kagum, syukur dan hairan,
Andai aku jadi pilihan pertama
orang tua dan rakan rapatmu;
Jika duniaku hanya diriku dan dirimu,
tanpaku kisah tentang
waris, bangsa dan tanahair,
dan kiblatku hanya berkisar
pada kebendaan, kedudukan dan kuasa
nan megahnya;
Jika aku lebih tua atau lebih muda,
Andai aku tidak begitu kompleks
atau lebih lemah,
Kiranya aku lebih liberal dan
arak dan rokok menjadi teman mainanku,
Kalau aku lebih dayus dan sanggup diduakan
atau menduakan;
Andai aku bisa menganuti semua ini,
cukup layakkah aku di matamu,
untuk disayangi?
9 Mei 2006
wow ray..
i'm no good in sajak or anythin related to it..but at times i do appreciate n enjoy reading it..even i keep wondering for those who can write it so beautiful
care to explain in more simpler words heh??? tq peeps
Good one babe! Yes and that is high praise ... you know how critical I am .. :-)
Nothing to explain, bro'. The words are pretty much self-explanatory.
Just a question for some out there, to ponder.
Thanks, dear. I value the praise, because I don't get it very often from you. :)
That is not technically true :-)... (this is in keeping with current issues of technicalities involved with Shahrir's resignation) but re your sajak abilities ... yes I am very stingy with my praise.
That's not true! ;)
That's deep. I completely understand. :) Thanks.
Bila dah sayang, selalunya sanggup berubah demi yang tersayang. Tapi kasih-sayang dalam erti kata yang sebenar dan membawa kepada keredhaanNya, ialah kasih sayang yang membawa kepada perubahan yang lebih baik, bukan lebih buruk.
Tak ada maknanya mendekat dengan cinta manusia yang menjauhkan kita dari cintaNya...
Ray bro'
First a comment about your language - perkataan "merubah" itu adalah salah dari segi istilah. Kata bentukan "mengubah", itu berasal dari awalan me dan kata dasar ubah, jadi me + ubah = mengubah. Contoh lain:
me + urus = mengurus
me + ulang = mengulang
me + usap = mengusap
jadi kalau ada kata merubah, itu bererti menjadi rubah. Jika ikut bentukan kata merubah (walaupun yang dimaksud adalah mengubah), kata-kata lain akan menjadi:
me + urus = merurus
me + ulang = merulang
me + usap = merusap
A very nice sajak, and I totally understand your sentiment. Yes, I see with my own eyes guys (whether bule, Malay, non-Malay) with the characteristics you describe who are very successful with women (whether bule, Malay, non-Malay). But why this sudden sense of insecurity? You have been very successful in pulling babes yourself! Is it because of your latest flame?
Anyway, while most babes are attracted to the flashy guys, they want these guys to become more "domesticated" once they settle down. Just my opinion.
Only one part, I am not sure I understand, can you explain?
"Jika kau ku layan tanpa hormat
dan ku sayangi hanya separuh hati"
Wah, banyak entries.
Who inspired you to write this poem? hehe
Noni, I second that.
To those who's correcting the grammar, if sajak must use only B. Malaysia, to my opinion, nothing will sound poetic... nothing. Merubah is bahasa Indonesia, dari rumpun bahasa Melayu. That's why ppl still comprehend just as how much we comprehend lagu Indon more than our own.
It is all in the style of delivery and sincerity.
Bukankah begitu saudara yang...err tak macho?
OOps... sorry
Very true, Voice. You are wise beyond your years, you know? :)
First, thanks for the istilah correction. It's important to know correct grammar, in any language.
It's not proper Dewan Bahasa BM, but I could have sworn A. Samad Said used the same word in some of his poetries. Good enough for him, good enough for me.
And some of local songs use the word in their lyrics - like "masa merubah segalanya".
Perhaps, as Maine said - it's the Indonesian Malay variant, kot.
The sense of insecurity hit me after my divorce and in my 30's. Maybe I don't feel like marriageable material, anymore.
Not quite sure what brought it about - whether it's the crowd I keep or whether the world has changed, when I wasn't looking.
As for that verse - it means being a jerk, that's not in love and treats the woman that's in with him, badly.
No woman in particular, all of them collectively. :)
Iya, Maine. Saya pacar Indon yang tak macho, setuju banget! ;D
As for that verse - it means being a jerk, that's not in love with the woman and treats the woman that is in love with him, badly.
And there is the word "the" missing before the world local songs above.
(Now, I'm beginning like Marina of Confessions Central - she loves making blog corrections!) ;)
Ray, bro' - I was not being precise again, I understand what it means - just didn't understand how that verse fit in...
It fits in, because it's one of the questions on his mind - of the things that he could change, to be loved.
It doesn't make sense to him - so that's why he's asking.
If that still doesn't answer your question - e-mail me and let's take this offline. ;)
Thanks for the possible interpretation for "merubah" being "doggy-syle". ;D Maybe, poets are just kinky people, kot! ;)
Wah pintar banget, kamu ya! :)
Sorry - wrong spelling. That's "style", not "syle".
Even my typing pun dah "merubah" (going to the dogs?) :D
Pakcik Stingray, thanks for pointing that out. I think I know already, just buat-buat tak tau aje :-P
anyway, usah men'dog'kan diri dah...kita jadi phoenix terbang, bangkit dari abu...;-)
That's phoenix bangkit, dear - as brother M. Nasir would tell you. ;)
Yeah, maybe it's time to stop being a "dog", huh? Kena "anti-merubah" kot? ;D
It's nice to be so young and sure of oneself. I remember when I was there once - when life was just black and white.
For your sake, I hope you never have to experience the many shades of gray in life. It's better that way.
As I get older, the only thing I'm most certain about, is that you're less sure and certain about most things.
Dah pasal dog puuulaaaak.
I see, well I have also seen a guy who treats his girlfriend like dirt and yet the girl sticks to him. She was scared stiff of losing him.
Doggy is kinky? Give me a break! One of the hotels complained when one of our guys who took 5 (or was it 7!) women to his room. Some bule (or Indian). I am not much into gossip, so I did not pursue the details. OK censored! No more XXX stories!
Dalam dunia yang merubah, it's a dog's life! ;D
Bro', your stories make my life sound like Little House On A Prairie. ;)
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