Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Monday, January 24, 2005

Naive No More, Girl

Today, I grew up and I grew old. All at once.

The reply came from Ms. Heartbreaker - even before she left the Pangkor Laut shores via SMS no less. She's decided to NOT be with me - and to stay on, with Lucky Bloke. As much as I tried to prepare myself for it, the pain seared through me like shards of broken glass, dragged through my heart.

Almost everyone I know, has told me to grow up, at one time or another. They told me to be pragmatic, and to be less idealistic. They told me that people around me will sometimes be pragmatic or may not be as honest, upfront and sincere. They told me that I could be played for a fool - and I was - repeatedly.

I didn't listen. I'm a born optimist - I believe in the goodness of human nature. I believe in the best, they have to offer. I believe that people can strive, fight and triumph for things they believe in. And fight for the things they love - and for the things that matter.

I'm naive. And perhaps, it's time to grow up. Even if it kills the best in me. I can't help it - the pain is too much to bear.

The next time someone tells you "I love you", don't believe her. Not until she shows you, the sincerity and courage, to ACT on that love. One line from the film "Princess Diaries" goes: "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious never live". Touche'.

And if I may add, those who lie to themselves and others, on what they feel, are as good, as dead. Thank you for the lesson, Ms. Heartbreaker. :(

Take another bow - you not only had me convinced, but I think you had YOU, convinced too - that what you're doing now, is correct. The lessons, the scars and the broken dreams, will remain with me forever - thank you for inflicting them. Your kind affection, seems to know no boundaries.

Cynics - 1, Stingray - 0. Game Over.


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