Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Right Map

It feels strange being at this keyboard, blogging again. My fingers feel alien to this keyboard, expressing something that is not work-related.

Much has happened since my last entry. Work is still quite good but my personal life has been, as usual, an expanding graveyard.

But the good thing is - it's forced me to do some hard thinking. About where I am and where I'm going. And why things have constantly gone wrong in the non-work related areas of my life. About the way I've looked at some of these things and how it's forcing me into repeated mistakes.


Albert Einstein once said: "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at, when we created them".

In the last few days or so, in my deep soul-searching, I've come to realize a few things. That I've spent a large part of my life modifying and refining my behaviour and attitude towards the circumstances (and people) in my personal life.

I dive into something, I stumble, I take a lesson out of it and I move on. And due to my resilient nature, I've become a professional stumbler, you could say. It hurts to fall, but each time, I tell myself that the lessons are well worth learning. So that I could make a better choice or decision, the next time round.

And in some circles, like my family and love life, I've been going around in circles. It's like I've been facing the same disease, but with many variants and mutations of that same disease. Different circumstances, different agents or people, but same conclusions. What's worse is that I seem to attract this disease.

In school, one of the approaches in being scientific about anything, to recognize consistent cause and effect, is to recognize the common factor in different circumstances.

And I've discovered that the only common factor in all these relationship disasters is ME.

All the girls (or family members) have either been great, complicated, emotionally messed-up, schizophrenic or neurotic. And they come in different shapes and sizes - all with their own baggage. But yes, the only true common factor is ME.


It was on this line of thought, that I had pursued my quest for an answer. What IS IT about me, that's driving me into all these relationship disasters? Even though I've done my best and have given it my all? Why was I still failing?

I made up a list and came up with a few possible answers:

1) Craving for a family - I've wanted to have a proper non-dysfunctional family, ever since Ayah passed away, when I was 10. And the craving has become more insistent now after 22 years - it has lost the patience to wait and it has become irrepressible;

2) Fear of dying alone - If there is one thing that would negate and frustrate all my successes and achievements in other areas of my life - it would be the fact that despite all these achievements, I would still die alone, without a life partner or an offspring. That would render most things that I have, can (and will) achieve meaningless;

3) "Beat The Clock" mentality - That number 35 is subconsciously carved out in my mind, as the age that I should not exceed for marriage, lest I risk the possibility of being deprived of my enjoyment of the simple things, later on in life - like retirement, seeing my children graduate or get married, spending time with the grandchildren, etc.

The thing is: I lost one parent when he was 51 years of age and the other, when she was 65 years of age. My own estimate is that, I'd be lucky to exceed the life expectancy of both of them. And if I exceed 35, I will have very little time, to see my children bloom into independent and responsible adults and become parents themselves; and

4) I'm a romantic fool - I'm not a pragmatist when it comes to marriage. I'm a romantic fool and I need to be in love and besotted, with the person I'm with. And I need someone who feels the same way and will strive to keep the flame going, all throughout our lives.

I need to feel respect for her strength and her softness and admire her, for her principles and maturity. I need someone who will give me her 100% effort, in return for my 100% effort.

I'm willing to give it my all and I need someone who can give it her all. Today, and everyday after that.

5) That if I can understand their pain, I can help them solve it (e.g. "saviour complex") - THIS is complete nonsense. No, just because you understand the disease (their problems), doesn't mean you can cure it. Or help her cure it. The patient must want to recover. And each patient has a different capacity and resolve to "fight the disease".

And some patients don't want to recover, regardless of the cost of the disease. Even if it's terminal.


Once I've identified my fears, it has now become an exercise in changing my paradigms on things. Because it is the above paradigms that have influenced my actions and choices.

And as long as I'm driven by the above fears, I'm not going to get anywhere. There will be many repeated mistakes, all in different forms and guises. And all born and precipitated from the same reservoir of fears.

Every morning in the last 2 weeks, I've told myself these same things every morning when I wake up:

That in the event that my personal life does not get any better than this and if I'm destined never to have a family of my own - that I will be fine. That I will live in the company of good friends and if I die, I will be mourned and missed by good friends. And my "offsprings" will perhaps, be younger people who have learnt from me and have integrated the lessons into their own lives and families.

That I should stop chasing a subconscious time target for marriage and just let things flow to me. And to stop rushing into things, because it's leading me to a multiple number of mistaken choices. Yes, it will be more difficult if I exceed 35 years of age, but I'm resourceful and I'll just have to make the best of what little time I have with my family, if I only have a family in my 40's.

That I should stop thinking of settling for something less, because I'm afraid of ending up alone. Memang jodoh di tangan Tuhan, tapi pilihan di tangan kita. I'm not a cop-out by nature and from past experience, I know that I could never settle for less, in this area of my life, regardless of the absurd little corner, I may be driving myself into. And I should stop fooling myself about that.

That I should believe that all "victims of circumstances" in life can (or should) be helped. Some "victims" are victimisers themselves, whether they realize it or not. I've been a "victim of circumstances" in life too and I've not allowed it to wreck me and the choices I make, in life.

I shouldn't be looking to "create" survivors to love - I should just love those who have survived and are well-adjusted, despite surrounding adversities. And I should stop "compensating" for those who lack respect for me, or for themselves.

I repeat these things to myself every morning, now. And I believe one day, I will wake up and these new paradigms will be so ingrained in me, that I won't have to remind myself anymore.

Because the real lesson from my past disasters is that - having the wrong paradigms driving your life, could cause the best of your efforts to fail.

As Stephen Covey has pointed out in the past - there is no point in driving better, faster or having better attitude to a destination, if you're following the wrong map.

Wherever it leads me to after this, I don't plan to be clueless again, on where I am. Going onwards, everything shall be done with my eyes wide open and without fear of the future. Whatever comes, I will have to adapt.

And making the best of what I have, as if this is as good, as it's ever going to get.

There's no point waiting for tomorrow to happen - it might already be here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:-) And if you learn all these lessons I will consider my work here on earth is finished! Tee! Hee! Now before your fur gets all ruffled ... that was just tongue (or tounge. lol!) in cheek.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Sharizal said...

ive been gone for three weeks and all these things happen! oi call me da

12:18 AM  
Blogger [V]landa said...

You WILL be fine,I know it.

And you know I'll always be here for you, irregardless. Kan?

4:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

learn to enjoy being on your own....you don't need someone else to make you happy.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened? Another breakup?

7:37 PM  
Blogger Cosmic_GurL said...

Would u rather have a bunch of really good friends all around you who cares about you a lot or would rather be loved and in love with that one perfect woman? If you can only choose one that is...

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another heartbreak, i suppose..??

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy..

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiya you are too young to be this morose. enjoy life! be like me! whatever happens, happens. don't even think of love. it's not worth it, really, with all these games and lies etc.

you've got a great job; you have friends. you travel. you're not in darfur.

06 will be good.

lil ms d

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% dedication to you all the time? Are you sure you'll get that from a Malay middle class Western educated KL socialite chick? You of course know that this pool have their own careers, circle of friends, want to retain their own identity. If you go in expecting 100%, you may be disappointed. 70-80%? Possible.

Or you could focus on making your business successful, forget your personal life for a while. I reckon that women are attracted more to success than to angst. But if you take this path, you may end up bartering unconditional love for companionship. :(

Anon 2

4:46 PM  
Blogger Ms J said...

by far the best posting i have read in your blog - open, honest, soul-bearing. you are not alone in feeling all of that. the difference is that you choose to be in position of power to make changes - and that's your strength!

(wanna meet up again for an occasion)

5:46 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Stop ruffling my feathers, Warrior Princess! (Meows and hisses in anger). ;)


Maybe you should stop going away. Then, less things would happen to me. ;)




Personally, I've never believed that. No man is an island.

But then again, islands do exist and they're doing fine. Maybe there's a thing or two, I could learn from them.

Ms. K:

Something like that. :( If they gave out Olympic medals for things like this, I swear I'd be the best in the world.


My choice might disappoint you, lady. But since I can't get what I want, I am thankful everyday for good friends who care. Thank God for them.


Yep. There's still a lot of beauty in life, despite its Shakespear-level tragedies.


Don't even think about love? That's like asking a blind man, not to crave for the gift of sight.

But yes, you're right, in a way. Maybe the blind man will never have the gift of permanent sight,...but at least, he's alive and breathing.

Yes, 2006 will be be better, InsyaAllah. If not in love, then in every other area of my life. I'm counting on it.


Have pancakes and we'll be fine? Hahaha. ;)

Anon 2:

I think you misunderstood me about the 100% statement.

I have never expected a woman to not have a life, for me. I much prefer her to have a life of her own, her own friends, her own career, her own circle of interest, her own space.

When a partner has their own space and you have your own, there is much more to share, when you are together. It's much more rewarding, that way.

Giving 100% means having the courage to be with the person you want to be, to walk the talk and to respect yourself enough to know, that your parents' 'mirrors', are not yours.

Fear defeats more people in life, than events or circumstances, ever do. Almost 100% of the time.

Women are not necessarily attracted to success - some are just attracted to money - the man can be as stupid as a frying pan, for all they care.

Money and success, are 2 different things. Not every success should be measured in financial terms, lest this world, be a world full of gold-diggers.

But yes, am taking the time to focus on my business.

And for the parts which money and success cannot fulfill, I will have just have to find the happiness elsewhere.

But there is one good part: From many past mistakes, I've found myself incapable of bartering and "settling" for companionship, or less.

It's love or nothing. Impractical? Self-destructive? Perhaps.

But I don't know any other way to live life. This is me - I shall not pretend to look okay to the rest of the world.

So, let's hope for a better 2006, yes? :)

6:17 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Thanks, Ms. J. :) I was determined that this blog will never be a place where I'm afraid to be honest. As long as I don't hurt others, who don't deserve it.

Choose? Hahaha. I don't choose my paths, sometimes. I stumble and fall and am forced to adapt.

Emotionally bruised, scarred or mutilated - but I'll survive. Though it seems that there's lesser energy for the next step, each time I stumble and fall.

Occasion? Coffee and cakes sound good. Drag Lita and Planman along. :)

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love comes when u least expected, trust me, it works for me tho.;)

I always put it this way, when people doesnt appreciate my love, it is his loss..cause i believe in whenever i love someone, i really love..for me, theres no such thing as not giving a 100% ur heart to someone u love, y bother to love anyway at the first place?

Love is madness.it enters ur heart,it gave the phenethylamine effects to ur brain,it stimulates, it injects the endorphines hormone to ur heart, and if the chemistry doesnt work, it fades away..and it screw,spoilt ur heart's progress,living it in a mess...:)
sounds wonderful, ey?

cheer up!may 2006 give u a better life...

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stingray, agree money not same as success (which is why I avoided using the term "money"). But success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It just so happens that you're in business, and success in business may be measured in money terms. But it would be the same if, say, you were building up not a business but a non-profit NGO (or leading a nasyid rock group for that matter). Once you've achieve success howsoever it's measured (not by you, mind you, but by the beholder), I reckon you'd attract the interest of (some) ladies. :)

Interesting observation, Psuedonymous. I think ppl involved in the relationship can subjectively rate whether the relationship, while it is subsisting, is great, so-so or miserable. Outsiders will probably not notice the dynamics, the subtle ebbs and flows, within that relationship. What may be obvious to outsiders is perhaps the start, and the end, of the relationship. Suddenly you find out that ppl who you once thought were like pinang dibelah dua are now (8 yrs and 2 kids later) living apart amidst accusations of infidelity, and you wonder "what happened there?" and unfortunately, you judge.

Anon 2

4:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have no words this time, mister. I think I've said a lot before. Heh. Do what you feel is best. And yes, you have friends who care and love you. Including yours truly.

The next time you think that you're not good enough for someone, why don't you let that someone decide for once. You might feel that you're being thrown out of control by giving her the rein, but you'll never know. You might discover that that someone is the 100% that you've been looking for.

8:07 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...

Ms. Pinkaboo:

Welcome to the blog. Yes, love is madness amplified. And you describe the phenomenon like a doctor. :)


Ah,..you're back, bro'. :)

You're right in a way. All relationships have their life cycles.

But I guess at this stage of my life, I'm not just looking for "product cycle" type of relationships.

I'm looking for a love and relationship that only expires when either one of us, does. Yes, the cliched "till death do us part" thingy.

And success or failure is a subjective interpretation, depending on what each person wants most, out of a relationship.

A person can have (subjectively) no failures, if he chooses to see nothing, as a failure.

There's no alternate reality that a positive mindset, cannot dupe you into believing. Even alcoholics and durg addicts think they're okay.

It's not an old mindset. It's just a different one, with different priorities. Not everything in life "modernize" with the norms of the world.

Anon 2:

Point taken. Though I must disagree.

From my own personal experience, regardless of how successful you are in other areas of your life - if you're not printing money, the girl you want, will still leave you for a dufus with money.

If you have money, the girl will be your life companion, even without feelings for you.

I used to reject that notion that my late Mum, used to spew out. I thought it was materialistic and cynical.

But as I get older, I realize that she was just trying to prepare me for a reality, which is less ideal than the ones through my rose-tinted glasses.


Thanks for the offer. :)

But I am nowadays, a non-gambler. I'm just no good at the casino table of love. :)


If that photo is of your boyfriend, you may need glasses. ;)

Just kidding! Welcome to the blog.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome, my friend, but no, I'm not offering this time around :)

Here's one for you:

Have your heart become the oversized rollerblade?

8:30 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

what a poignant reflection.. i especially luvd no. 4 :-)

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont know you personally, but regular to your blog.
i just hv to say this - stop complaining, man!
know what? other than fate, it's you who look for troubles. cheer up! life's just a matter of choices

9:23 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Yes, the fault is partly mine. Thanks for your opinion - you're very entitled to it.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ikan pari...

once upon a time I had all those ideals too... but I did not see any man who could help me fulfill them forthcoming. So I met someone halfway, married him and had 2 beautiful kids. Yes, cornily... I married for God. Am I happy, NO but at least I am not UN-happy. I try to count my blessings with everyday that passes.

I guess in my long-winded syiok sendri way, all I am trying to say is for u to have faith.

Alahai... apasal lah takde bende blog memblog ni 10 years ago ekk ...

5:15 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...

Ex-young nubile woman:

Nice name, ENW! :) Welcome to the blog.

Thank you for sharing your story with me.

I admire your frank admission of your own circumstances - the courage to call a spade, a spade - even when it's not pretty, is the clearest sign of inner strength.

Thank you for your advice. For now, I still have faith and I'll keep on going.

But should my faith ever cave in, I hope, like you - I shall NOT be unhappy and learn to count my blessings, everyday.

Take care, ENW! :)

5:16 AM  

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