Kebelakangan ini
Aku terasa naif
tentang hidup dan dunia.
Hijau sekali terasa kantaku,
Menatap segala fenomena
perlakuan dan kerenah manusia
Naifkah aku, tanyaku,
Jika sangka baik titik permulaanku
Naifkah aku,
Jika ku percaya kata-katamu, sebagai bayang niatmu,
Melainkan terbukti
Segalanya palsu
Naifkah aku
Mengharap insan itu rasional?
Naifkah aku
Menunggu rakyat bangun dari tidurnya
Naifkah aku
Jika yakin pribumiku bisa berubah dan berjaya?
Kerapkali, aku diiingatkan bahawa aku naif
Yang kita tidak hidup dalam dunia ideal
Yang perkara salah itu, biasa
Yang rasuah itu, "cukai ekonomi"
Yang menipu rakyat itu tabii kuasa
Tabiat si cerdik menumpas si dungu
Walau perit ajaran hidup
Walau merangkak tapak sedarku
Aku memanjat keluar dari lubuk naif
Tak ingin ditipu wayang kulit tanpa dalang
Tak ingin dilukai pelakon songsang
Tak ingin lagi jadi mangsa dunia malang
Namun, jauh didalam
Aku pegang erat secebis naifku
Supaya dapatku percaya pada kebaikan manusia
Pada keadilan di dunia,
Pada keluarga, pada cinta,
Pada segala yang bisa mengubah.
Aku terasa naif
tentang hidup dan dunia.
Hijau sekali terasa kantaku,
Menatap segala fenomena
perlakuan dan kerenah manusia
Naifkah aku, tanyaku,
Jika sangka baik titik permulaanku
Naifkah aku,
Jika ku percaya kata-katamu, sebagai bayang niatmu,
Melainkan terbukti
Segalanya palsu
Naifkah aku
Mengharap insan itu rasional?
Naifkah aku
Menunggu rakyat bangun dari tidurnya
Naifkah aku
Jika yakin pribumiku bisa berubah dan berjaya?
Kerapkali, aku diiingatkan bahawa aku naif
Yang kita tidak hidup dalam dunia ideal
Yang perkara salah itu, biasa
Yang rasuah itu, "cukai ekonomi"
Yang menipu rakyat itu tabii kuasa
Tabiat si cerdik menumpas si dungu
Walau perit ajaran hidup
Walau merangkak tapak sedarku
Aku memanjat keluar dari lubuk naif
Tak ingin ditipu wayang kulit tanpa dalang
Tak ingin dilukai pelakon songsang
Tak ingin lagi jadi mangsa dunia malang
Namun, jauh didalam
Aku pegang erat secebis naifku
Supaya dapatku percaya pada kebaikan manusia
Pada keadilan di dunia,
Pada keluarga, pada cinta,
Pada segala yang bisa mengubah.
manusia mana yg tak naif, kan? But we move on, after learning our mistakes. That's life :)
bro well said, hold on just a little. sometimes life is more exciting when we fight our hopeless battles rather than working 8-6 5 day weeks and after that sipping milo beng while watching sheep in New Zealand.
Then again it all about how tired you are and longing for that normal life. I dare to bet that you can't take leading a normal life for more than 3 months.
After that you'll be itching for action.
Perhaps whats needed is a temporary looong break to recharge those cells and sharpen the swords for one final puch to the death.
Hmmm I'm so melodramatic...
Kenaifan yang bersebab adalah salah satu tanda yang masih wujud kepercayaan dan harapan dalam dunia gila hari ini.
(Justified naivete is one of the signs that faith and hope still exists in the crazy world today.)
Don't lose it. There's always a reason for every single existence in the world - unreasonable as it may seem at times.
Yeah. But not all naivety is bad, Nenn. Sometimes, one is successful because one doesn't know what the odds against them are. :)
I think you're wrong.
I'll give you another angle on this - I've led an "extraordinary" life, because I've never had an opportunity to have a normal one.
Do you know what I mean?
Justified naivete is one of the hardest things in the world to keep.
Because everyone who chose not to be naive, thinks you're stupid for not noticing the so-called obvious.
But I guess the question I always have is: if we treat people all the same based on recognizable past patterns of behaviour - when do we give people the benefit of the doubt, to change?
But I guess I want to give every person that I meet, the benefit of the doubt.
Even if there is only one exceptional unpolished gem amongst a thousand fake stones - it would have been worth it.
I think you have it alright in wanting to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Prophet Muhammad SAW (and other Prophets for that matter) has had to have that attitude when he called the people to the Truth. But he is human, there were times when he felt like giving up and felt like everything conspired to go against him.
Yet how Allah cheered him up.Allah always mentions in His Words that He would never test one with more than what one could bear. And He also mentions that Muhammad is only the bearer of reminders and messages of Truth, not the one responsible for changes in others. Allah will change someone if He wants to, it's all in His power.
So your effort is worth it, but only if you apply those words you wrote in Tempting Fate, to how you handle the "non-naive" world. Which I believe you do, since you're one who walks your talks. Yes? :)
wah. all these pantuns. selamat hari raya.
Thank you for that sound line of reasoning and wisdom. It actually made me feel better. :)
Selamat Hari Raya to you, too. Yes, I seem to get depressed better in Malay nowadays. ;)
what is naif??? from the responses from this others i gather it's naive?? Got meh such a malay word? or it's sekumpulan dgn "glokal"???
Meow, bakpo gaklo nih? whats with the puisi? dok pehe laaa.. too deep for me!
Yes, naif is the Malay word for "naive". And no, it's been used far before "glokal" did. ;)
What's with the puisi? Takdok gapo. Just like all the other writings, it's just an outlet for what I've feel inside.
Except that this time, it wants to come out in this form - it even surprised me, really.:) Tapi mano ado complicated - rama oghe pehe lah, Mek. :)
But wait, I'm supposed to "ngaju" with you now, for not inviting me to your open dusun,...and I had to find out fron the your handsome Mr A,...hmmmm,...;)
He he he I knew you would ngaju. I wanted to push Mr A into the pond when he said he called you to ask about it. Truthfully, I didnt even know there's gonna be one, only knew about it on saturday when mom asked me to buy a cake and i asked what for.. see..! none of my friends came ;-(
Spent the whole of my weekend picking up used plates and doing the dishes.. tak dok cute guys to oggle pulok tuh, most who came were dad's friends who're middle aged men who talked nothing else but the traffic in kota bharu and the upcoming election.
how was yr weekend stingray?
Time to pick up a middle-aged man. ;)
Weekend was good, could be better. But thanks for asking - you're getting better at this. ;)
It's an update, but not as you may wish it to be (see the latest entry)
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