Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I feel really happy today.

The 2nd meeting with The Tycoon happened today and he brought with him The Blue Eyed Boy, who is now heading a Mesdaq-listed company. Blue Eyed Boy is a talented man - many of the big multinationals around the world depend on him to do their manufacturing in China and other parts of the world. His standards of quality control were legendary.

At the end of the meeting, we had in principle, clinched a deal for Blue Eyed Boy's company to handle the entire manufacturing production of the first batch for my product. In value, that amounts to 60% of my funding requirement.

With The Tycoon's strong persuasion - we had achieved more than half the cake, necessary for us to push out our product. He was pretty strategic about the whole deal - there was something in it for everyone - my company, the Blue Eyed Boy, for him and a strong media player in the market. And the sum of the whole is far bigger than its parts.

And he did this without him forking out a single cent. This is why rich people remain rich. They're very careful with their money.

He could have given me the remaining 40% of my funding requirement. But he said to me - "I've helped you raise more than half the cake, because I believe in what you guys are doing. Now, prove to me that you're worth the time and raise the remaining 40% on your own".

It was a challenge thrown to us. He's a billionaire - I mean, he could just give us the remaining monies, but he knew that would just be spoiling us. This was an experience that we must go through, because it will serve to make us stronger for the future.

But at least now, we can leverage on something. 60% of the take-off is done. I'm thankful for that. And very excited.

I know I'm close to clinching this, God. I can feel it. Just give me a little bit more strength and luck.

Just a little bit more.


There's another reason why I'm happy. And believe it or not, this reason exceeds the RM1.2 million in value that I've raised today.

I have a new girlfriend. And she's been keeping me really happy, lately. (And no, there's no 3rd party involved this time, thankfully - she's just all mine. :))

She's bright, direct, funny, thoughtful and affectionate. And she's not problematic and there's nothing that I need to save her from, yet I'm still very attracted to her.

Damn good sign. And it's bloody well about time, for me to turn normal. :)

Nasi beriyani treat at Syed's to the FIRST person who could guess who The Lovely Girl is.

(***This offer is not open to Xena, ZR and Sharizal, who may already know who she is).

CLUE: She's on this blog. :)


Work is good. Life is good. Love life is good. For once, all three are going well, simultaneously. And that has not happened in a long while. It's a pleasant note to end the year on.

Thank you, God. I'm happy. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh.. I know.. but u treat me nasi beriyani first la, then I guess who she is...

So happy for u....

5:14 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...

No can do, Sharen. :)

You guess first and I'll e-mail you if you're right and you'll get your nasi beriyani, once you're back. :)

And if you're wrong, I'll tell you on the blog. ;)

That should make it interesting for everyone else, too. Hehehe.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Stingray! I am oh so happy for you. I cannot guess d' gerl but whoever she is, pls let her know that me says she's one lucky gal.

Me happy too now...

But yes, reveal le who the new kekasih is very soon wokie!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Thanks! In a way, it is an AK stunt. A mini one. ;) But more on that later, at our coffee.

Ms. K:

Thanks. All will be revealed, once someone guesses and wins the nasi beriyani. ;)

Who dares start the circus?

(*Free nasi beriyani pun tak nak ke? Malaysia must be a rich country! ;))

7:32 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Nice name, Ms. Z. :) But no, if she told you, that would disqualify you. ;)

No worries, I'll take you out for a separate nasi beriyani treat, to see what she told you about me. ;)

Hahahahaha. Kantoi!

7:36 PM  
Blogger [V]landa said...

i think i know who it is, too.

u owe me nasi briyani at safron instead!

8:25 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


You're such a smart, girl. :)

But I'm not a mind-reader, dear. No answer, no Saffron-lah. ;)

Would you care to give the answer, then? ;)

8:32 PM  
Blogger MDR said...

aw, guess I sure won't get no nasi beriyani 'coz i certainly have no idea who she is...(give la more clues!) nevertheless, am happy 4 ya dude! hope u and her are a match made in heaven and find happiness with each other.. :-)

p/s now i've got a sudden craving 4 beriyani thanx 2 u!

8:41 PM  
Blogger an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

i'm in the midst of updating my CV. you need brand / perception management "expert"? heh heh ...

and i'll treat you to nasik briyani (not necessarily syed's) for five fridays.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Thanks, bro'. :) And I don't think you'd like to work for me - I can be a real persistent bulldog at work.

I might kill your social life, bro'.:) And all the babes in town, will be upset with me. ;)


Aiya! Hopeless lah you! Tembak je lah - at worst, you'll be insulting the girl! ;)

Just for you, here's another clue: "Ask why the land comes before A".

If I give another clue, it'd be too be too obvious and the winner might not be deserving of the nasi beriyani reward. ;)


I'll make you a deal - you hazard a guess on this riddle and I'll consider your CV and you can keep the five nasi beriyanis.


12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, I want a nasik briyani treat AND a meeting with the lucky lady ;)

12:48 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


You brave girl, you! :)

Just to make sure that haven't offended Ylanda, I'll let her confirm or deny it. ;)

And by the way, the nasi beriyani is on offer, but the meeting with the lucky lady tu, kenalah tanya tuan punya badan. If you guessed correctly,....Hehe.

She's shy - believe me. ;)

12:54 AM  
Blogger an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

sting, i'll even better the deal. the 'expert' services will be FOC and on as-and-when-required basis. and i won't attempt an answer because, heck, you are happy, she is happy, everyone is happy.

all's well in the world.

ps. i don't fancy briyani anyway.

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay - meeting tu, tak kisah la terpulang kepada tuan punya badan. Tapi sila gunakan peta sebelum ini utk penghantaran istimewa nasik briyani syed. telefon dulu sebelum datang. Haha!

5:40 AM  
Blogger Elina said...

Aiyah...give lah more clues so I can eat nasi beriyani. Am v happy that things are going well for you - you deserve it!

8:56 AM  
Blogger Rain said...

Somehow, I already sense the vibes btwn both of u...
Who else but witty, sexy, gritty Ms Ylanda. Yippee! (lol)

p/s I can smell the nasi beriayni aredi... ;)

12:20 PM  
Blogger [V]landa said...

ok, i'm only doing this because if i dont, he'd get upset with me(and he's one tough cookie to pujuk!). so here goes...

Beta termakan umpan, u ols.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Gee, thanks. :) Sorry that you don't like beriyani - will offer more attractive incentives in the next riddle. Heh! ;)


Girlfriend saya nanti, tak bagi saya pergi rumah tuan puteri yang lain, deliver nasi beriyani. :)

Awak claim kat Syed kat Kelana Jaya boleh? ;)


Thanks! :) Guess Voice beat you to the nasi beriyani boat. Haha!


Good guess and good work on the hunch, but beaten to the punch line by Voice, too. :)


Yes, my love. :) Looks like you've gone public! Call the National Enquirer! Hehe.

But honestly, there is not a day that passes by, that I'm not thankful that awak termakan umpan saya.

Thank you for choosing to bite, love. I hope you'll be happy in my little aquarium, for a long, long, while. :)

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am truly, truly happy for you, bro. May this be the dawn that you've been waiting for, for so long.

I shall tumpang gembira, as always :)


11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adeh...jauhnya nak kena pegi Kelana Jaya! Takpe lah, saya tunggu Tuanku Sultan dengan Permaisuri naik takhta rasmi kerajaan akuarium, then saya pegi makan nasik briyani/minyak/ tomato/arab/apa2 yang sewaktu dengannya yang akan dihidangkan ;)

On a more serious note, glad for you both. Really, really glad. May Allah bless you both always :)

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That reply comment that u made to Ylanda made me missing my hubby laaa.. So sweet....

Happy, happy for you. Cess.. memang nak teka Ylanda tapi tak konpiden... tak pe le.. kita belanja nasik briyani sendiri2 la...

7:59 PM  
Blogger LastJan said...

Glad you're seeing a little more sunshine. Just don't get too mushy on your blog now, ok? :-)

8:50 PM  
Blogger Ms J said...

hey Stingray,
I am VERY HAPPY for you. luck lass no doubt! Put up a post in your blog as what i did in mine - How to Be A Boyfriend 101. should be fun.

4:15 AM  
Blogger [V]landa said...

kalau ye pon happy, tak retiĀ² nak update ke?

habis org lain gersang tak de reading material macam mana?

7:17 PM  
Blogger lita said...

yes ray, am happy for you too! glad things are working out . so *this* is the reason you beriya text to tell about the nasi beriyani treat rupanya... ; )

10:17 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Thanks, bro'. And yes, that breakfast treat at Khaana Peena is on! ;)


Thanks for your kind wishes. InsyaAllah. :)

But your nasi beriyani treat does not have to be contingent on that-lah. ;) Next week pun boleh.

Ms. K:

Tu laaaa, suruh teka, tak mau. Sekarang sapa sudah rugi? ;)

Next time, just go for it! Ms. K boleh! :)

My regards to your hubby. :)


Thanks. Yes, must resist the temptation to get mushy. People might throw up on this blog, nanti. ;)

Tapi susahlah,...hehehe.

Ylanda My Love: (you see, Lastjan?)

Susah nak update la, baby. Happiness is good, but it wreaks havoc on my writing inspiration.

And no,...that was NOT a request to me me miserable, k? ;)


Yes, Lita dear. I hope the gunung berapi was worth missing the nasi beriyani attempt! ;)

5:21 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Sorry, just realized that I missed out a reply to you, dear. :)

Not sure about lucky lass (I hope she'll say so, one day ;)) but I'm certainly a lucky bloke.

As for How To Be A Boyfriend 101 - I think I'll write it, when I'm actually good at it. That's probably when they stop leaving me. Haha!

3:37 AM  

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