Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

First Preference, First Priority

It has probably been too long, since I last felt like the first preference and first priority to a girl that I really liked.

Or maybe it just feels that way - partly because of circumstances, partly because of how I feel I'm treated and partly, because of how I feel about the other party.

I don't know where this particular relationship is going yet - and perhaps, I don't care to know for now - but I know that I like the way I'm treated.

And I know I like the way that for once, I don't have to fight off a first preference/priority 3rd party, an emotional hang-up, a quiet desperation to move on with my life or a huge ego that knows not how to give or with some others, forgive.

She's sweet and very attractive in an uncommon way - and I could SO see myself going out with someone like this.

And at least, for now - she makes me feel like I'm worth it. With full honesty and effort. No sharing, no confusion, no being taken for granted, no insecurity, no games and no feeling obligated to marry someone else - this time, it's just me that's priority in the other person's eyes.

And God knows that I need to feel this way - being a professional 2nd choice to the people you love, can do funny things to your self-esteem and confidence and adversely affect, how you look at yourself.

She's so different from me, in so many ways - but yet so uncomplicated and uncomplicating. Which is normal to most people, I guess - but can be considered an aberration for me, considering the complexity of the people I've fallen for in the last 2 years.

But I do like where I am right now.

Perhaps, the destination is less clear (and maybe for once, it should be that way) but it's obvious that the journey, no matter how gradual, is at least, heading somewhere and going forward.

And I'm enjoying the moment of being first preference, first priority - in her eyes. I like the way she makes me feel wanted.

Reciprocity in a relationship, is something that should be natural and instinctive, without having to ask or having to work so hard, at it.

(Perhaps, it's a sign of the times we live in, how most people are so much more thoughtful in words, than deeds, nowadays. Push comes to shove - they're unable to deliver in the moments that count)

I used to remember what this was like - and if I don't, it's about time for a refresher course. I don't always have to make complexity a partner, in my life's journey.

Sometimes, there has to be a balance between what you want - and what you know you deserve. Go with the heart, by all means, if you have to - but over time, learn to make better choices in your life.

All mistakes have a familiar pattern - and if your head does not point it out to you, at first - your heart eventually will. And you will learn to recognize mistakes - faster than you did, previously. Thank God, for the limits on patience - people would be fools without it.

If all we can really be certain and assured of, are moments in our lives - then we really ought to learn to live better, in each of these moments - because life shouldn't have to be so difficult, really.

Keep it simple, stupid - that sentence resonates in me, like never before.

Maybe you can teach an old dog, a new trick, huh?


Blogger Mme RoSsé said...

dear bruder,
it is a good sign to feel great in a relationship. it gives you the overall satisfaction and happiness...

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah :) Very happy for you, and YES, do keep it simple, because if they want - they just do, and when they dont, they just dont. Dont waste time reasoning, good luck!!

2:07 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...

Dame Rosse:

It's early days yet - but yes, a little satisfaction and happiness in a relationship, are most welcome right now.

I've let myself tolerate too many things that make me unhappy, in the past. That should stop.


You're right - and that applies to all forms of relationships, including friendships.

And thanks for your kind wishes. :)

5:30 AM  
Blogger lita said...

glad to hear things are looking up for you : )

and may next year be even better.

have a good one.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Thanks, dear. :)

Best wishes for the new year for you too, Lita.

p.s. By the way, what's that teddy bear doing in the paddy fields? ;D Is he going around Malaysia or something?

p.s. # 2:

Next year, (aside from my long-delayed intention to join a vocal class) I want to check out more jazz clubs in town.

U wanna come along? :)

7:53 PM  
Blogger lita said...

that's chester in sumatera, quite frankly the last time i felt absolutely tranquil (outside of mekah la).

yeah, what happened to your good intentions re: jazz clubs and a certain bearded saxophonist?

; )

8:24 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Chester in Sumatera? What a well-travelled bear! ;D

And as for my good intentions - yes, it's coming up in the new year! :)

Sorry have been a bit busy this month, to plan things - my company was going through a Due Dilligence process. Baru habis, right before Christmas.

But yes, I'm keeping my promise, dear - bearded saxophonist and all. ;)

(And after I talk to Ervan, even the Malaysian Movie Review Club - much to look forward to!);)

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salam Aidil Adha and Happy New Year to you. I am happy that you have found someone again. May this new year bring you success and joy in love and all other endeavours.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to read a positive post right smack on the date of my birthday. Haha self promo kejap ;) Take care, you, have a great 2007!


8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, someone uncomplicated and who can be appreciative of the simpler things as well as grander things in life is such a refreshing change, isn't it? And who does not let ambition blind him or her to the blessing right before his/her eyes

P.S. don't care much for the jazz clubs in this country unless there is a real good one you can recommend .

P.P.S. later this month, chess rematch!

9:38 PM  
Blogger mastura said...

Can feel the tingle of your happiness.....happy new year 2007!

5:27 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Hey bro'! Welcome back! You still doing a lot of work "di seberang"?

A belated Salam Aidiladha and Happy New Year to you too, bro'. :)

May the new year bring much joy and blessings to you and your family. :)


Happy belated birthday, doll! :) (Self-promo takpe, it makes for good reminders for people like me - I'm usually quite awful at remembering birthdays! ;))

Hope you had a good Aidiladha and may the new year bring you all the joy that your heart desires. :)


Hey, how was the trip to Lion City, dear? :)

Yes, someone simple and uncomplicated is a refreshing change - but at the end of the day, it's about putting everything (or everyone) in its right place.

I used to think that old life stories must end, before new stories can begin.

As I get older, I realize that we don't tell stories (or feelings) where or when to end - it tells us.

But we must always strive to be happy and to make new beginnings that lead to such happiness.

We can't resign ourselves to waiting for our hearts to move on - our feet must begin taking the necessary steps and God willing, the rest will follow in the sequence of events that are fated to be.

And as for how some old stories end - sometimes, you'll just have to wait for the moral of the story, if you want to know why.

But life has to go on and we must never live in wait, of things which may not manifest itself.

Life only values those who value the meaning of each moment.

p.s. Will ask my friend about the real good jazz bar - although tastes can differ when it comes to jazz, dear. :)

p.p.s. - Chess rematch is ON, dear! Have you been in "training"? And yes, a Scrabble rematch (whipping? hehe!) would be nice too! :)

Rimau Manja:

Thanks for your kind wishes - I wish you and your family a blessed 2007 too! :)

6:45 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Eid Mubarak to you too, dear. :) And yes, wishing that 2007 will be your best year yet! :)

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dear,
the lion city was ok, though nothing particularly exciting. The only thing interesting would be its waterfront :D

well...the only other person I'd played chess with was a friend, and she did teach me some tricks...though not sure if i remembered them...my brain's pretty mushy now :D

let me plan my work schedule properly for this month (hazards of a freelancer) and you plan out all your work and personal commitments and we agree on one day or date. :)

does the other lady play scrabble? :)

1:47 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Cool.:) Look forward to our next chess game and seeing your newly learnt "tricks", dear. :)

And no, the other lady does not play scrabble, thankfully. ;)

11:15 AM  

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