Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Deja Vu

The situation is familiar. I've been here before. Therefore, I should know better.

That if something was meant for me, it will be mine.

That a healthy foundation to a strong relationship should consist of 2 people and not a triangle of 3. And that the end, never justifies the means.

That I should not confuse between doing my best and bending my principles.

That sometimes, you should wait and see whether the other person has got the capacity to love you back. And that you should not always chase and beg, to be worthy of that love.

That no matter how much you think you know about making the world work better, sometimes there are reasons why people do what they do. And if you can't understand it - just try to accept it.

Even though sometimes, I feel that people don't give things a decent chance to work - even when the only chains on them, are imaginary ones, imposed in their minds. Even though they feel something is so right - and yet they have no courage to do the right things and pursue it, in the right way.

I know where I stand. I know what I feel. I know the possibility is there.

But if it's meant to be, it will come to me. Within the correct way and parameters. And if it doesn't, perhaps, it's not meant to be mine - regardless of how real the possibility is.

I still want to try my best. But this time, in the correct way. I should stop bending over backwards, for people who don't know themselves all that well.

If it's meant to be, it shall be mine. If it's not, it's just another of heaven's windows that I've passed by, which was meant for someone else.

If I'm worth it, then it's about time that I let the other party make that first move and take that risk. The ones which I've been too willing to take for others, in the past.

It's deja vu - but this time, I'm taking a different path. Today, I want to respect myself a bit more. Because I think I deserve to be loved, in the way that I have always loved.



Blogger lita said...

good for you. and good luck.

8:09 PM  
Blogger Sharizal said...


and bro please get rid of that spam and you might want to put anti spam controls from google...

8:58 PM  
Blogger Sharizal said...

eh google plak.. blogger la

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean you're finding yourself in the same situation as during the N episode? Wow, you must like 'challenging relationships'! *eyes wiiide open in amazement*
...but then again, I suppose the bigger the risk ,the bigger then rush? How about trying pseudonym0us's prescription - might be just the medicine you really need to decongest!

10:10 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Thanks. And welcome to the blog. :)


Ok, bro'. Will do it.


Trust me, bro'. Bad idea. Generally blurs the mind and vision even worse. ;)


Naaah. Not in the same situation. But potentially, it could be. I'd like to think I've learnt my lesson. :)

Honestly, am not looking for risk and/or rush, anymore. Those days are over.

Just looking for 100% of wanting someone and being wanted - both ways. And for once, I want it clear and uncomplicated.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


This must be some form of age-old common wisdom that all women subscribe to (because ALL of them have told me so ;)):

"That it is better to be loved by someone who loves you more, than you love him".

Maybe the principle works better for a woman, kot.

I don't think I could live by that common wisdom. Just not for me.

But yes, nowadays, I do want a little more respect, from the person I love.

And exclusivity - and not having to share that love and respect with anyone else.

And to know that occasionally, the girl that I love, would unselfishly go the extra mile for me.

Because I know I would, for her.

1:27 AM  
Blogger suzequatro said...

now i know what u meant. of course it's lovely to be loved. but while u r not, do something else(for yourself or others) to take off the lonely mind.

happy break fasting stingray :)

9:41 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


Precisely what I'm doing. Distracting myself while I reach for the end of the rainbow.


Ditto! There can be no love without respect. I know better now (I hope).

9:53 PM  

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