Mimpi Pari

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter"

Location: Malaysia

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Men Improve with the Years - By Yeats

I am worn out with dreams;
A weather-worn marble triton
Among the streams;

And all day long I look
Upon this lady's beauty
As though I had found in a book
A pictured beauty,
Pleased to have filled the eyes
Or the discerning ears,
Delighted to be but wise,
For men improve with the years;

And yet, and yet,
Is this my dream or the truth?
O would that we had met
When I had my burning youth!

But I grow old among dreams,
A weather-worn marble triton
Among the streams.


This one is for little Aishah's poem collection, with much love from Uncle Stingray. I hope her mummy will copy this down, for her,...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done love. Aisyah will love it and I'll tell her all about the great Uncle Stingray one day.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Stingrayz said...


There's nothing great about Uncle Stingray, as you well know. You need to be good enough, to be great, right?..;)

My love and kisses to both Aishah and the adorable little Mr. Wanna-Wanna. I miss them loads,....

6:40 PM  

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